Closed sanitary facility – text collage, applied to TOI-TOI toilet 2020
The so-called middle class, the target audience of the visual arts, sees itself as a better society that stands out from the masses financially and educationally. But it has long been apparent that the middle classes are being strangled by capitalism and that their values are crumbling faster and faster under the weight of big business. The middle class is making democratic politics impossible and together with the state they censor actual art.
These, my assessments, formed the basis for my contribution to #coronakunstglarus 2020 in Glarus, to which I was invited as an artist.
I formulated the attached texts on the toilet in a way that allowed my artistic contribution to pass as an entertaining little clown play. Compulsory vaccination was still an empty threat in 2020 because there were no so-called coronavirus vaccines in circulation at the time.
The toilet is representative of the state, because in urban life a public toilet is the last confession that we are all a part of nature that needs to be “civilized”. The existence of the public toilet in the urban context is the business with the individual as a living creature from nature that excretes digestive products randomly as long as it lives. Anyone who has to go to the public toilet in the urban context has to pay for their own civilization process.
The urban perception biologizes humans in the opposite sense of what the pharmaceutical lobby does. In the biologistic way of thinking, we humans are all common animals that are successfully kept alive and used by the powerful authorities. Paying to use a public toilet is a sign of pure powerlessness and the self-blame of not having done enough to free the city from the clutches of nature (or to free people from the clutches of civilization).
High finance, which rules the financial sector, the media and now also the international diplomatic instruments, planned and orchestrated the coronavirus pandemic, instrumentalizing democratic states for a business in which the profit comes from exercising the power of their private capital oligarchically over public life and plundering public budgets worldwide. High finance was interested in nothing else. The only shocking thing about this is the fact that high finance is not legally prosecuted. It is too big and too powerful to be considered criminal.
The fact that many people lost their health, income, friends or their assets in this attack, that 70 million people died as a result, is collateral damage of this attack, that cannot be blamed on high finance, but on national governments. The negative attitude towards the government’s pandemic measures shown was in 2020 based on the information available to me from my school education on the one hand and from the alternative media on the other.
In 2020, the #coronakunstglarus exhibition was an exotic peculiarity in the public cultural sector because communication between visitors was free and largely uncensored.
As a testimony to what ordinary citizens could have known about the pandemic during the 2020 lockdown and in the weeks that followed, read the famous article entitled China and the “Great Reset” by journalist Aya Velazquez, which was published in Berlin on November 18, 2020, shortly after the finissage of the #coronakunstglarus exhibition on October 18, 2020.Link