about Beat Huber

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born on October 9, 1959 in Entlebuch, the third of six children.
Baccalaureate in Reussbühl in 1978. Studied at the University of Zurich. Apprenticeship as a stonemason in Zurich.
sporadically active as an artist in exhibitions since 1984.
own studio in Siblingen since 2014.

Since 1994, I have not benefited from any public grants or received money from a private foundation to support my artistic work. All the more reason for me to thank all those who have accompanied and supported my artistic path with interest and continue to do so.

I live with my wife in our house with garden and studio in Siblingen.

Contact address / Impressum

Beat Huber Bildhauer
Schulstrasse 10
CH-8225 Siblingen

+41 52 319 32 46


responsible for the content of this website: Beat Huber, beat(at)beat-huber.ch

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